News list for " runestone"

Runestone founder warns community to beware of scam inscription airdrop

Leonidas, founder of Runestone, issued a warning to the Runes community on X: "$DOG holders have just been airdropped with a scam inscription linking to a scam site that will steal users' wallet assets. Runes is now on the radar of scammers, so be very careful about which sites you connect your wallet to."

2024-12-01 13:10:44

Runestone 创始人 Leonidas 于 X 对 Runes 社区发出警告:“$DOG 持有者刚刚被空投了诈骗铭文,其链接到一个会盗窃用户钱包资产的诈骗网站。Runes 现在引起了骗子的注意,因此在将钱包连接到哪些网站时要非常小心。”

2024-12-01 13:10:44
Runestone founder sends letter to Coinbase on "DOG listing transparency and fairness policy"

On November 7th, Leonidas, the founder of Runestone, released an open letter to Coinbase on the social platform X. Leonidas pointed out in the letter that although Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong announced the implementation of the "free listing" policy on November 2nd, the DOG community tried many times to communicate with Coinbase without a response. He stressed that DOG is the number one meme coin on the Bitcoin network, with a market value of 980 million US dollars, and it is completely depende...

2024-11-07 12:49:45

11月7日消息,Runestone创始人Leonidas在社交平台X上发布了一封致Coinbase的公开信。Leonidas在信中指出,尽管Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong曾于11月2日宣称实行“免费上币”政策,但DOG社区多次尝试与Coinbase沟通均未获回应。他强调DOG是比特币网络上排名第一的Meme币,已有9.8亿美元市值,且完全依靠社区自发运营,未...

2024-11-07 12:49:45
Runestone founder: Don't care about the title issue, but Rocktoshi is not friendly in private

On September 6, Runestone founder Leonidas posted on social media that he did not care about the Rocktoshi title, but Rocktoshi was not friendly in private. Leonidas said Rocktoshi was a man with a deeply ingrained pattern of manipulation, intimidation, lying and harassment, and too many people had bad experiences with Rocktoshi and regretted not speaking out sooner. While most people think of Rocktoshi as a friendly guy who sends private messages or posts witty tweets from time to time, in real...

2024-09-06 12:05:21

9月6日消息,Runestone创始人Leonidas社交媒体上发文表示,其并不在乎关于Rocktoshi联创头衔的问题,但Rocktoshi私下并不友好。 Leonidas表示,Rocktoshi是一个有着根深蒂固的操纵、恐吓、撒谎和骚扰模式的人,太多人与Rocktoshi有过糟糕的经历,并且很后悔自己没有早点说出来。虽然大多数人认为Rocktoshi是个友好的人,他会不时发私信或发布诙谐的推文,但事实上,只有少数人见...

2024-09-06 12:05:21
Ordinals Developer: Platform X has removed all emojis from labels, not specifically for Bitcoin

On July 26, Leonidas, developer of Ordinals and founder of Runestone, tweeted that "Platform X has removed all emojis on its tags, not specifically for Bitcoin." Earlier, social media platform X had removed the orange Bitcoin Emoji attached to the Bitcoin tag.

2024-07-26 13:56:59


2024-07-26 13:56:59
The number of holders on the DOG chain has exceeded 74,000

According to Leonidas, the developer of Ordinals and the founder of Runestone, the number of holders on the DOG chain has exceeded 74,000.

2024-07-03 12:19:28


2024-07-03 12:19:28
An address bought 4 million DOG on Magic Eden

According to Ordinals developer and Runestone promoter Leonidas, X user $DOG_BTC_ posted that someone just bought 4 million DOGs on Magic Eden.

2024-07-01 04:31:28
某地址在Magic Eden上买入400万枚DOG

据Ordinals开发者、Runestone发起人Leonidas转帖消息,X用户$DOG_BTC_发文表示,刚刚有人在Magic Eden上买入400万枚DOG。

2024-07-01 04:31:28
Runestone Promoter: Predict the next market value 1 billion runes should meet the conditions of no pre-mining and casting upper limit greater than 1 million

On June 4th, Ordinals developer and Runestone promoter Leonidas said in a social media post that predicting the next 1 billion rune should meet the conditions of no pre-excavation, no etched and the upper limit of casting is greater than 1 million. Leonidas said that in addition to free and fair airdrops, this is the best and fairest way to distribute runes.

2024-06-04 16:46:55


2024-06-04 16:46:55
Runestone runes DOG · GO · TO · THE · MOON unit price exceeded 10 sats, a record high

According to market data, Runestone airdrop runes DOG · GO · TO · THE · MOON unit price is now 10.63 sats (about 0.00718 US dollars), 24 hours up 33.5%, a record high. In addition, DOG market value exceeded 700 million US dollars, now reported 705 million dollars.

2024-05-30 08:46:37